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Team Sessions

Team Sessions

Sports Performance Mindset Academy

Team Package

The Sports Performance Mindset Academy is a powerful introduction to mental training for high level athletes in a group atmosphere. It is a proactive training to prepare competitors to elevate their physical play through mindset tools and strategies. Over seven months, the athletes will be introduced to a wide array of topics that include understanding the brain, self talk, managing emotions, managing nerves, overcoming mistakes, visualization and so much more. The athlete will begin to work on their mindset to become a more confident player and person. In addition, in areas of their sport where the athlete is currently playing with a high level of confidence, many of these tools are essential to challenging and elevating the athlete to an even higher performance.


+ bi-monthly Zooms over 7 months; November thru May
+ 14 common and applicable topics

+ each athlete gets 2 - 50 minute individual coaching sessions between November - May  (book 1:1 date below) 
+ light homework entails journaling, reflection and implementation of the weekly topic.
+ minimum 5 athletes, maximum of 20
+ all sports are welcome, every athlete needs to work on their mental game just as they work on their physical game.
+ all sessions recorded for 3 week playback







Team Sessions to be managed by Team Lead

​$420 Per Team Member

Value $540 Per Team Member (save $120)



The Enhanced Athlete

Level 2

The Enhanced Athlete has built a foundation through mindset training and will be introduced to the next level of tools using their mindset to build confidence and good practice habits. At this level mindset strategies are implemented into daily sports practice to elevate their game.


+ 8 week course, 1 session per week

+ 7 team trainings on specific topics

+ each player gets 1 - 50 minute individual coaching session (book 1:1 date below)

+ each parent gets 1 - 15 minute phone/email/text conversation prior to 1 to 1 call

+ weekly homework

+ minimum 5 athletes, maximum of 20

+ all sports welcome

+ all sessions recorded for 1 week playback

+ must first complete Level One












Team Sessions to be managed by Team Lead

$240 Per Team Member

Value $310 Per Team Member (save $70)



The Confident Competitor Club

School Package

The Confident Competitor Club is not your typical high school activities club. C3 is designed for athletes that are often over scheduled and could benefit from mental training in their sport to build mindset skills that translate to life skills. With a collaborative atmosphere, athletes come together in a group to share and learn from like minded competitors in all sports over a range of topics. This club introduces athletes to mental concepts and challenges them to try new strategies to level up their performance and increase confidence in their sport.


+ bi-monthly Zooms over 6 months; November thru May
+ specialized topics
+ each athlete gets 1 - 50 minute individual coaching session (book 1:1 date below) 
+ homework entails 10 minutes of daily mindset exercise
+ minimum 10 athletes per school
+ all sports are welcome
+ all sessions recorded for 2 week playback
+ opportunities for team lead available for athletes in their junior year that have good organization and communication skills, have displayed a strong understanding and growth in sports performance mindset training and have been involved in the C3 club for two years.
+ opportunities for mentorship of athletes in their senior year that have completed two years of the C3 club and display understanding, growth and an ability to connect and share their experience of sports performance mindset training.
+ college resume builder​



​C3 Sessions to be managed by C3 Team Leads

​$335 Per C3  Member per School Year

Value $420 Per Team Member (save $85)



The Optimized Athlete

Level 3

The Optimized Athlete introduces mindset strategies to the athlete’s game at the highest level and during competition. This level challenges the athlete to adjust performance under pressure while utilizing tools.


+ 8 week course, 1 session per week

+ 7 team trainings on specific topics

+ each player gets 1 - 50 minute individual coaching session (book 1:1 date below)

+ each parent gets 1 - 15 minute phone/email/text conversation prior to 1 to 1 call

+ weekly homework

+ minimum 5 athletes, maximum of 20

+ all sports welcome

+ all sessions recorded for 1 week playback

+ must first complete Level Two













Team Sessions to be managed by Team Lead

$240 Per Team Member

Value $310 Per Team Member (save $70)



The Conscious Athlete

Level 1

The Conscious Athlete lays the groundwork of mindset training by learning about the mind and creating a base knowledge of thoughts and emotions and how they affect performance in sports. This level teaches basic mindset skills to build upon for future success.


+ 8 week course, 1 session per week

+ 7 team trainings on specific topics

+ each player gets 1 - 50 minute individual coaching session (book 1:1 date below)

+ each parent gets 1 - 15 minute phone/email/text conversation prior to 1 to 1 call

+ weekly homework

+ minimum 5 athletes, maximum of 20

+ all sports welcome

+ all sessions recorded for 1 week playback





















​Team Sessions to be managed by Team Lead

​$240 Per Team Member

Value $310 Per Team Member (save $70)



The Mentor Athlete

Level 4



Invitation Only
































Coming Soon
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